Subalterns in Photographic Images: Semiotic Analysis of Photo Collections, “Qar Square” and “Cast Out of Heaven”

Document Type : Research Paper


Tehran University of Art


Subalterns have a small share in the images and what is generally pictured of them is associated with political orientations. Documentary photography often has an institutional approach, carries social signs in producing images of subalterns which play an important role in the construction of these groups. Having social semiotics theory in mind, the aim of this essay is to analyze a part of Iranian  social documentary photography during 2010s. This works as visual texts have a significant contribution in inducing social concepts. For this purpose and as case study, two photo collection of this decade – “Qar Square” and “Cast out of Heaven” have been selected.
The case studies were analyzed at three levels of social semiotics, which includes the representational level, interactive level and interpretive level. At these levels, visual texts – photo collections – were studied in terms of the elements in the images, the action of each audience and participant, the composition, angle of view, distance and so on, and the interpretation of these elements and their effectiveness as well.
In the “Qar Square” series at the level of social semiotics, it can be seen that the images follow a conceptual model in order to induce specific concepts. No action is formed neither by the participants nor audiences of the image, which ultimately leads to creation of social distance. The close-up view and the use of wide-angle lens in depicting the dangerous face of the addicts are used to express the abhorrence of audiences in the facing of the participants. The square and closed frame has confined the person. Creating visual appeal is formed by the high contrast black and white photos of this series. The background space has the least amount of information, which leaves the person in an isolation that finally causes to reject the subaltern into the invisibility at nowhere. Almost the same approach occurred in the “Cast Out of Heaven” series. This time the large distance between the camera and the subject, made an emphatic feeling of social distance in audience. Conceptual model prevails in these images and the participants have no action. Most reason is that subalterns are removed from most of the frames. Instead of humans, the focus is on the visual appeal of landscape. On the other hand, the audience has a sense of social distance in countering with the longshot images of subalterns. Due to the photographer desire to be present in the global art market, these photos also show a tendency towards orientalism that made the subaltern as an exotic object. In general, this series represented subaltern as ineffective and unproductive.
The results have revealed the photographic images of the subaltern in the 2010s carry prominent social signs. In the field of neoliberal commodification of this decade, the figure of subaltern is constructed as an inefficient, unproductive and harmful object for society. The image of subaltern is foregrounded in grotesque, mutilated and exotic bodies which reduced to commodifed object in the global Art markets.


Main Subjects

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