Aims and Scope
Journal of Fine Arts: Visual Arts is a peer-reviewed, open access, quarterly journal which publishes theoretically and empirically research on all facets of Theoretical studies of art in the field of visual arts, miniature, painting, illustration, graphics, photography, sculpture, Industrial design, traditional arts, artificial arts, animation, new media, aesthetics, art philosophy , pedagogy and history of art. Aimed at a diverse readership, this journal draws upon the research of leading scholars in the aforementioned subjects. Its aim for selective publication is to encourage and promote topics that are relevant to visual arts, graphics, photography, sculpture and all forms of visual arts. A particular perspective that is common in the selected articles is the discussion of interpretation, thus opening the discourse among scholars, researchers and artists for further studies. By raising awareness in these visual arts topics, the art communities are one step closer to amending and adjusting public polices in order to promote artistic endeavors. Journal of Fine Arts: visual arts welcomes theoretical, analytical, quantitative, qualitative, empirical and field work-related research on topics that are related to the visual arts . A particular focus is on topics that are within the region of Iran and its neighboring countries, but it is not limited to these boundaries and may include the following subjects but again not limited to them.
Major Topics
Painting, illustration, graphics, photography, sculpture, Industrial design
Analysis of all forms of visual arts
Analysis and interpretation of selected works
Comparative studies with selected works both Iranian and international
Aesthetics and philosophy of selected visual arts works
New discoveries
Discussion and analysis about artificial intelligence and its impact on visual arts
Audience participation
Intracultural study in Islamic art to clear doubts and some mistakes in foreign researchers
Public policy for visual arts organizations
Western Classical visual arts
Knowledge of new Western arts in the fields of painting, photography, graphics, sculpture and all forms of visual arts
Historical and philosophical analysis of visual arts
Pedagogy topics related to visual arts
Traditional Iranian painting
Topics related to research in traditional arts
Theoretical discussions of Iranian painting structure
Traditional visual arts within the region
Historical analysis for texts related to Iranian painting and other forms of visual arts.
Comparative studies with Iranian painting and internationally painting
New finding in visual arts
Animation and related issues Directing and filmmaking issues that influence aesthetics and audience experience
Audience studies
Gender and vocal and character identity in visual arts Comparative and analytical studies of visual arts
Aesthetics and visual Art Philosophy
Historical and comparative discussions
Analysis of leading figures in art philosophy and aesthetics both Iranian and International