Time Death, and Social Photo’s Hermeneutics



Review and analysis of ‌ the relationship of human kind beings as being deployed in the world, and the question of how human kind understand the universe, is a fundamental question that Martin Heidegger investigated in his philosophical work, “Being and Time”, and he attempted to open the secret of livingness of human beings. Based on his philosophies, the man, as a being who is trying to understand the universe and comprehension is his innate. He is always trying to interpret the universe with pre understanding of universe and things. A pre understanding that open the life to him. Human as an understandable creature in the world, always with his facilities try to communicate with and understand their world. In this way, the context of tradition, history and society in which he lives, has a special importance for understanding one's self and the worlds. The matter which much more contribute to this understanding is the dignity being of who is understands as one being in the world. Knowing of the being of the world and making a sense of it, that sometimes seems absolutely observational, is essential for better understanding of the being and familiarity with the facilities in the life that he cast them. Meanwhile, what man in his world is facing, either across ‌life, nature, literary text or a work of art, the same way he lived his historic always interpreted it to shape its historicallity. In other words, he leads to cognition himself and the universe with pre understanding, pre having and pre imagination that are completely related to a tradition that his being is depends on it. Understanding and interpretation are human nature and the art; maybe is the world that dreams of human come true in it. Universe appears like the image, and the image truth is evident in the art image by artist. Photographs as well as images Like other objects of this world interprets and interpreter interprets every images with a set of pre understanding, pre having and pre imagination that shapes to his/her identity and understanding, if interpreting be the result of understanding of the image. Understanding and comprehension is not fixed and rigid, but are fluid and dynamic. What is happening in front of some photographs on its viewer, related to these pre understandings that the photograph is related to and it is the same pre understanding – pre having that makes the photograph special and unique to its viewer. What`s really shows in the current life of human by photographs? This challenge shows its importance where the analyzing and considering the photographs that reflect the social subjectivism of human like a creature in this universe, can imitates the existence of human. Such of these photographs and specially personal photos, in the personal world of the viewer, dedicate a special position to itself and demand special reactions. ‌Present paper, tries to shine a bright light in the quiet privacy of social images, and has its particular audience.


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