The Study of Sassanid Paintings Affects On Sogdiana Mural Paintings



By regarding the rest of pictorial and written documents of Sassanid and Sogdian art – Sogdiana was one of the states under the supervision of Sassanid emperors at many different period - this research is going tosurvey the effects of Sassanid art on the Sogdian mural paintings; the statistic category of this research is 3 sample of Sassanid stone relief and Mural painting as well as 6 sample of Sogdian mural painting. The Methodology is description and analyses of paintings. The goal of this essay is the reconsideration of Sassanid artistic effects on the Sogdian mural paintings,GivenThe geographical location of the Sassanid Empire, Sogdiana was one of the important neighboring countries of Iran, and the cultural links between these two countries had many mutual effects on their cultures, as we can find its true samples on Sogdian paintings. the influence of Sassanid paintings on the use of color, form and decorative elements of clothing, elegant women's draw & ... can be seen in the Sogdian painting;Despite the strong influence of Sassanid art on sogdian paintings, there are many differences between them,for instance the Sassanid artpreferred the stylizations and symbolism on realistic representation, in the other hand Sogdians Sometimes painted their works realistically with moredetails.However, we usually find Sassanid illustrations on Reliefs, but the Sogdian artists prefer mural paintings;The Royal Commission Representation is dominated in Sassanid art, On the contrary,Sogdian painting dose not Focus onkings as much as Sassanid art, in fact folklores and every day themes as parties, hobbies and sports , religious and epics are the main subjects of their paintings.We can find some Sassanid art whichinfluences on Sogdian paintings such as: rhythmic drawing of women, details of customs with plant and animal designs, the crowns of kings, In addition we face withmasks, bells and using Yellow, Red Maroon, sky blue and black general the formal properties of Sassanid images in the case of visual space, using flat, sharp and diversified colors,omission of perspective, avoiding shadow of light, the absence of thespecified source of light, equal place and importance of human and nature, Simplified forms and ignoring the sequence of time and dimensions of Places as well as approach to linear mode,can be seen inSogdianpaintings.another influentialaspects on the Sogdian mural painting is the immigration of Manichianmen to the central Asia, which transmits the other aspects of Sassanid art traditions to sogdiana;But,despite all, the results of the studies of Sassanid and Sogdian paintings indicate that Sassanid empire as a grate regional power always had stronginfluenceson Sogdian paintings, thus in the case of paintings we see more of the influence of Sassanid art traditions on the Sogdian paintings, but Sogdian paintings have their own originality so it cannot be classified as a Sassanid art branches or any other countries at their neighbors. In fact, both Sassanid and Sogdiana keep their own visual values in their arts.


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