Effect Apart from Manicheans Surviving Painting Decorations on Qurans Decorated in Early Centuries of Islamic Imam Reza Quran Museum



Quran, the eternal Word of God and human capital, since the descent to the present and future generations of Muslims will always be special consideration. God's Word in a very short time, swept across borders and across wide territories adjacent to their building and conquered the hearts of patriots. This fascination with the Muslim holy book, owes much to the aesthetics of the Word of God. The scribes and the Muslim religion from the start tried to make manifest the beauty and meaning of the word in the Quran.After the rule of Islam, like other religions Manicheans in Iran for centuries had enjoyed relative freedom in the interaction with the new rulers were, And no doubt the new rule, the experience of new land uses, particularly Iran. Meanwhile, the Iranian Muslims were in the service of his art. Gradually, and was with the spread of Islam, tradition and fan decorated and illuminated Qur'an scribe impact of Iranian art, So that the fan decorated and illuminated work of art in the Islamic era in Iran, was exalted position. Should be said that Manichean thinking in creating works of art as a mystical approach to a particular artist in mind that the verses and the word Muslim and respect for the right time, and continuity. Homesickness in the material world and are thought to travel upward and purge himself of his earthly life, Manichaean teachings can be thought as a continuation of Islamic art, especially in art, decoration and illumination of the Holy Quran repeatedly observed. Graphic characteristics associated with the religious character of that idea at the heart of the artist is Manichean. The nature and characteristics of religion and religious art, art therapy and its transmission through the scribe of the Holy Quran, particularly widely seen in the decorating of Qur'anic manuscripts. The effects of pre-Islamic era in Iran, Manichaean art is his religious ideas and thoughts in the form of pictorial art and spread their propaganda. Although the group moved to the east of Iran, and also were flowing to the West, But in the Islamic era and the Islamic regimes in Iran and Iraq attended the date is confirmed. This study has tried to The effect of the Manichean image on the artistic decoration of deep communication and transmission of the Qur'an and its evolution in the course will examine later. The importance of this configuration sharing and discovery of art as affecting subsequent periods, And its evolution, it can also depend on cultural and historical roots of decorative elements in each period, And the continuing influence of this effect and body functions, we know the more effective is the artistic and cultural commonalities.The purpose of this research by visual features, decorative and applied arts as well as the type of Manichean, Quran in decorated manuscripts from first to sixth century AD The Museum of the Quran, Imam Reza (AS) is, In this Article, an adaptive joint elements are specified above. Methods This study is a descriptive - analytic approach to data collection and the library field.


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