Recognition of Similarities between Buddhist Architecture/Islamic Mausoleums and Bronze Incense Burners in Early Islamic Centuries



The study of the interactions among different religions’ related artworks is one of the most important evidences in comparative studies towards attaining new information and insights in the development of these works in different lands and countries. The extant samples of such studies indicate how artistic movements come into being and expand during the evolution of religions in societies and to what extent they can create new artistic qualities and quantities. In here great similarities, and similar forms and motifs of Buddhist architecture in compare to Islamic metal works, especially early centuries’ incense burners and also Islamic mausoleums, is one the abovementioned possible interactions to be discussed. The present article actually tries to recognize and introduce the possibility of the existence of such Buddhist related artistic elements by applying documental analysis method and representing evident samples and cases. The obtained results prove and clarify the fact that the applied elements in the body of these incense burners are taken and imitated from Buddhist symbols. Though the origin and source of motifs like lion, lotus, etc are much older and should be studied and followed in Iran pre-Islamic art, Achaemenids and Sasanians, which have inspired the Indian artists and artisans in some way or other, and imitated by them. We should also mention in here that the early metal incense burners, except in special cases, are containers composed of three main parts- body, lid, and feet. They are in terms of form and structure, the representative of Indian religious buildings (stupas) in some ways. Stupas are mound-like structures containing Buddhist relics, typically the remains of Buddha, used by Buddhists as a place of worship. It is a symbol of enlightened mind, (the awakened mind, universal divinity) and the path to its realization. The stupa represents the Buddha's body, his speech and his mind, but most especially his mind and every part shows the path to Enlightenment. The hemispherical form of the stupa appears to have derived from pre-Buddhist burial mounds in India. As most characteristically seen at Sanchi in the Great Stupa (2nd–1st century BC), the monument consists of a circular base supporting a massive solid dome (the anda, “egg,” or garbha, “womb”) from which projects an umbrella. The whole of the Great Stupa is encircled by a railing and four gateways, which are richly decorated with relief sculpture depicting Jataka tales, events in the life of the Buddha, and popular mythological figures. The early Islamic incense burners surmounted by a hemisphere dome, consist of a square body, elements and ornaments such as lotus, umbrella, etc which are all the common elements used in both stupas and the mentioned artworks. These metal objects-in the present article- were divided into six main groups according to their shapes, parts, and structure. Although it should not be neglected that the presence of such similarities go back to Iran pre-Islamic periods.


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