Evaluation of usage of all seeing eye symbol in animated characters and Mascots in graphic today

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA in Graphic Design, Faculty of Art, Shahed University, Tehran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Art Research, Faculty of Art, Shahed University, Tehran


Today, the use of symbolism is the most effective tool, which different groups try to attract attention with. One of the best known and most widely used symbols within ancient, deviant and new sects such as satanic Freemasonry (the Jesuit/crypto-Jewish Illuminati in Bavaria, Germany) and among Satanists is the all seeing eye, which is used in many movies, also for animated characters and is as a mascot very common. Being one-eyed refers to the Antichrist. (Dajjal or anti-Christ) The Antichrist is an oppressor, who misleads people at the Apocalypse. This fact is proposed in all three religions; in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It is noteworthy that Jewish view towards this strange teratogenic is in sharp contrast with Christianity and Islam. The Jews expect the antichrist to appear as saviour for mankind. In Christianity the word “antichrist” is mentioned several times in the book of John. It refers to a person who defies Jesus, and claims to be Christ himself. In Islam, one of the most certain signs of the re-appearance of the Imam of time (atf) is the emergence and rise of an evil character by the name of “Antichrist”, who deceives many people. The importance of this one-eyed symbol was determined, since it is used as a seal for the United States, as well as on the one dollar note for decades. They pursue their sinister goals by playing with symbols and using various tricks. And the mass media are the main basis for the accomplishment of their satanic goals. They also have a special way designing animated characters and many different mascots. In fact they put all codes together in a main character or in supporting characters, to attract the viewer for a certain character, and to create a relationship between the audience and their fictional characters. This article is written to introduce this symbol “the all seeing eye” to various social groups, especially artists and graphic designers. The knowledge about this symbol must certainly rise in different communities, so that ways can be scheduled how we deal with it in the future. It is obvious that the lack of attention and awareness towards this symbol and similar symbols will affect individuals unwantedly to reach the goals of these groups. The audience unconsciously swallows the pill, which has an impact on their mind. Through this way they will simply induce their audience all the things they thought out without you even realizing. This research was collected by descriptive method and library collection data and observation. The results show, that the use of this symbol, in a wide range, affects the viewer to get used to it, and he will develop a positive feeling towards that symbol. In fact the only way to escape from these satanic traps is by identifying their symbols, which these groups use. In the end we could consciously deal with them, and the unknowing wouldn’t be caught by their goals, which are hidden.



منابع و مآخذ:
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کوپر، جی.سی،(1380)، فرهنگ مصّور نمادهای سنتی، ترجمه‌ی ملیحه کرباسیان، نشر فرشاد، چاپ اول،‌ تهران.
گرابران، آلن و شوالیه، ژان،(1377)، فرهنگ نمادها، ترجمه سودابه فضایلی، انتشارات جیحون، چاپ اول، تهران.
مقدس، احسان،(1388)، کژراهه‌ی شیطان‌پرستی در دوران معاصر، انتشارات نیلوبرگ، چاپ اول، تهران.
میرکریمی، تارا،(1387)، مسکات، مارلیک، چاپ اول، تهران.
یحیی، هارون،(1378)، مبانی فراماسونری، ترجمه جعفر سعیدی، مرکز اسناد انقلاب اسلامی، چاپ سوم، تهران.
Elizabeth Villiers,( 2005), The Mascot Book, Estover Road,Plymouth PL67PY, United kingdem
H.P. Blavatsky,( 1892), The Theosophical Glossey, Theosophical publishing Socicety, London
Sheima Ghaemi**1, Mohsen Marasy2
1MA in Graphic designer, Faculty of Art,Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
2Assistant Professor, Department of Art Research, Faculty of Art, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
(Received        ,Accepted        )
Today, the use of symbolism is the most effective tool, which different groups try to attract attention with.
One of the best known and most widely used symbols within ancient, deviant and new sects such as satanic Freemasonry (the Jesuit/crypto-Jewish Illuminati in Bavaria, Germany) and among Satanists is the all seeing eye, which is used in many movies, also for animated characters and is as a mascot very common.
Being one-eyed refers to the Antichrist. (Dajjal or anti-Christ)
The Antichrist is an oppressor, who misleads people at the Apocalypse.
This fact is proposed in all three religions; in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
It is noteworthy that Jewish view towards this strange teratogenic is in sharp contrast with Christianity and Islam.
The Jews expect the antichrist to appear as saviour for mankind.
In Christianity the word “antichrist” is mentioned several times in the book of John.
It refers to a person who defies Jesus, and claims to be Christ himself.
In Islam, one of the most certain signs of the re-appearance of the Imam of time (atf) is the emergence and rise of an evil character by the name of “Antichrist”, who deceives many people.
The importance of this one-eyed symbol was determined, since it is used as a seal for the United States, as well as on the one dollar note for decades.
They pursue their sinister goals by playing with symbols and using various tricks. And the mass media are the main basis for the accomplishment of their satanic goals.
They also have a special way designing animated characters and many different mascots.
In fact they put all codes together in a main character or in supporting characters, to attract the viewer for a certain character, and to create a relationship between the audience and their fictional characters.
This article is written to introduce this symbol “the all seeing eye” to various social groups, especially artists and graphic designers.
The knowledge about this symbol must certainly rise in different communities, so that ways can be scheduled how we deal with it in the future.
It is obvious that the lack of attention and awareness towards this symbol and similar symbols will affect individuals unwantedly to reach the goals of these groups.
The audience unconsciously swallows the pill, which has an impact on their mind.
Through this way they will simply induce their audience all the things they thought out without you even realizing.
This research was collected by descriptive method and library collection data and observation.
The results show, that the use of this symbol, in a wide range, affects the viewer to get used to it, and he will develop a positive feeling towards that symbol.
In fact the only way to escape from these satanic traps is by identifying their symbols, which these groups use.
In the end we could consciously deal with them, and the unknowing wouldn’t be caught by their goals, which are hidden.