Surveying the Ratio of Conformity in Surface Orientation and Human Vision Trailing to Recognize Image Base on Gestalt Psychology*

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Design, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.

2 assistant Professor, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Tabriz University, Tabriz

3 M.A. Graduate of Industrial Design, Appling Art Faculty, Islamic Art University of Tabriz


Cognizing environment in human vision-system is complex process. Part of this process is perceiving image elements and attention signals in general. In the other hand, extracting special description from image elements. It is assumed that the environment scene is a kind of Image. According to this description, it is justifiable to interpret image according to the Gestalt theory principles. The human vision system could distinguish a few number of data from each other’s. Even, some components having spectacular similarity. In Gestalt principles the rule of color and orientation are defined as important as others highlight factor in emphasizing images. To evaluate and test this quotation and psychological experiment is designed to find the correlation of orientation, attention zone and area in an image. The tests are prepared in two parts. In first section, evaluating the ratio of understanding images, establish on consequent of color-limitation and gravity of image layer. In the second part, measuring and recording the characteristics of pattern and attention zone in images. Fifty fine arts university students, aged between 20 to 31 years, participated voluntary as subjects in this study. The result of this part is especially useful in communication and product design. It is possible in which images have spun vicinity between partial and global main components of gestalt happens conflict. The result of this quarrel is observing attention to the image. The things attract human attention is called pattern. It would cause to attract attention to some parts of image. Perceiving attractive elements and patterns, in an image has direct correlation to the invisible factors in background of image. The matters are conceal in inter-layer of image are formed from mutation of color. This color is distributed in all the image which create color spot or color area. From the other point of view, correlation of area and attention in the image is an important question in this research. However, area is not a mono-player of observing attention. As already mentioned, in this research the images which analyzed using MATLAB according to the color limitation are defined in two parts. In first part of test, finding the mutual relation of understanding image using oriented Gestalt image. It is kind of template matching test. In Gestalt theory, the rule of experiment is too significant. In second part, finding attention point in image base on color limitation on gravity point of image layer. The results of this section redefine the meaning of pattern and background in image. It should be noted that, the result of this investigation is shown that the human being vision system interested in finding conspicuous factors in image. The art of designer in composing visual element to understand meaning of image using gestalt principles. Result of research could be used in graphical, communication and product design. Some aspect of attracting attention to something would be find in traffic-sing and safety design factors. For future, would continue and develop this experiment to find relation of understanding image and attention in cosmetology and camouflage design.


شاپوریان، رضا (1386)، اصول کلی روانشناسی گشتالت، انتشارات رشد، تهران.
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