Defamiliarization approach in process of visual communication (field of advertising illustration)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Communication, Faculty of Art, University of Alzahra, Tehran, Iran.

2 MS.C. of Visual Communication, Department of Visual Communication, Faculty of Art, University of Alzahra, Tehran, Iran.


     The role of visual media and audience is one of major issues in the contemporary world. One of the most important approaches by which this can be achieved, the defamiliarization. Methods used in this approach disturbing visual habits and visual perception in the audience to make sense of wonder and amazement, and he is eager to see. This category of functional concepts is one of the artistic and literary theory. So research about this category can be creation and development of new concepts in visual communications. Defamiliarization undoubtedly owes to Victor Shklovsky, Roman Yakubson, Yury Tytanov and Zakaria Ghazvini. Beyond their opinions advertising illustration discovered another word as the most prominent evolution of new graphic design. Visual communication as the base of new advertising illustration had offered appropriate solution for collecting these rules to graphic designers wich necessity of attention to is irrefutable.This article tries to offer by the use of four of most dominant theorists (Victor Shklovsky, Roman Yakubson, Yury Tytanov and Zakaria Ghazvini) analytical theories.  Visual communication from the first days of creation had only important communicative duty and it was communication with audiences. Graphic designers from the first time could have done this duty very well. They gave meaning to the visual language and basic values of visual communication and its acting style by effective usage of advertising illustration and improved this field of graphic design and its different aspects and defined it among global audience that each of theme belong to a different and researches, wich are related to Defamiliarization effective and aim full historical activity of these artists. This article explains the Defamiliarization concept among the contemporary advertising illustrations and the causes of its successful position.  This article is a case study on the introduction defamiliarization and its role in the advertising illistration. The assumption is that the strategies of defamiliarization a scholarly look at the advertising illustration and through visual communication in the present world language. The article includes two chapter. The first of this article on the strength of different scientists, ideas, studies about the defamiliarization and the audience. In the second chapter different methods of defamilarization are all offered. In the chapter of conclusion by totaling all approaches, we prove that defamilarization is quite successful in advertising illustration, because the research findings reveal that the concept of defamilarization. The main issue in the present paper, relying on basic principles and knowledge visual communication, is, making advertising illustrations.  Based on studies in this articlewhich has done in descriptive method, there are several kinds of defamilarization in advertising illustration which after surveying put in categories in this essay.The results of this research has shown the influence of defamilarization in advertising illustration and also has made a codified from in different kinds of defamilarization in advertising illustration which can underlie the new horizons in advertising illustration. Defamilarization can be reached the pattern language in visual communication and advertising illustrators could use this language. 


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