Deliberation in the Chapter of “Wisdom of Islamic Art’s Relation with Philosophy of Islamic Art”

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A of Painting, School of Visual Arts, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, School of Visual Arts, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


“Wisdom of Islamic art” is relatively a full of application, prevalent and concurrently ambiguous combination, that, despite the studies conducted on it, still no clear meaning of it is at hand. Due to the existence of this confusion in the meaning, sometimes the wisdom of Islamic art, despite the distinction that exists, is considered equal to “Philosophy of Islamic art.” As the application of these two combinations in place of each other, may be the origin of abundant mistakes in researches related to Islamic art area, clarifying the meaning of two mentioned combinations and expressing their relation to each other is of high significance. It is sought in this article that has been prepared in library and analytical form, the relation of two combinations of “wisdom of Islamic art” and “philosophy of Islamic art” be cleared and clarified up to some extent by analyzing and studying the meaning of wisdom as most confusing part of mentioned combination and expressing its relation with philosophy. It should be considered each art work which is based on Islamic fundamentals and is representative of the Islamic spirit, Emerged in the past or present, is Islamic art. It means what distinguishes Islamic art and others is just he principles of Islam. Wisdom is an inductive term that has been discussed many times in the verses of holy Quran and religious narratives. Because of the significant place of this term in Islamic cultures the cognition of actual meaning of it as well as specifying the limits and distinction among them, versus other cultures is of significance. Placing the word of wisdom in the beginning of Islamic arts combination, provides a novel combination that a number of researchers of art and philosophy area have written some topics on It. The philosophy contrary to the wisdom has human origin and innovated by human mind. Despite the considerable antiquity of philosophy, its combination is newly born where the disputes exist on its manner and essence. In general, when the philosophy of Islamic art is discussed, it means, the dispersed references that exist among the perspectives of Islamic philosophers in the area of art. Based on the researches carried out in the way of compilation of this article, the wisdom is a vaster and deeper concept of philosophy and superior to philosophy in terms of origin and certainty as compared with philosophy. Philosophy is the outcome of defective intellect of human being hence it is limited and mistakable. In addition to that, the wisdom has a deep connection with Islamic art whether in birth phase or during cognition stage which the philosophy lacks of. The wisdom has three ranks that could be the creator or producer of Islamic art. In general, it seems that the philosophy of Islamic art despite the similarity, is different from that of Islamic art’s wisdom from different dimensions, and cannot be parallel to the wisdom of Islamic art, whether in terms of origin and source of Islamic art or as the reference of its recognition.


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