Effecfs of Embossed tiles of Video Content Available on the Site Golestan Palace Museum

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Applied Art Faculty, University of Art, Tehran, Iran.

2 M.A. of Handicrafts , Faculty of Art, University of Sooreh , Tehran, Iran.

3 M.A. of atr Research, Faculty of Art, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.


   Video embossed tiles, the tiles are fairly large group makes up period, the number of these tiles at Golestan Palace Museum's main hall is used. The study of these works, illuminating many issues and matters relating to art is in period. The phenomenon is illustrated in Qajar embossed tiles, cultural factors, social and arts related courses. In this Article, the influence of culture and Hnrghrb Qajar art, the trend of realism in art and photographic print two phenomena emerged as important factors in the phenomenon of interest is illustrated in tiles. Tiles embossed image of the Golestan Palace Museum in the different groups with common themes such stories Ferdowsi, Nezami and Jami military, religious designs, hunting scenes, festive events, scenes of daily life, images of European and...The forms are painted.This Article reviews the risk factors and effective of Illustrations on the tiles,Based on what themes they used in their category introduced. Compilation and images, method of field and library And writing descriptive and analytical approach taken. In this study, we identify the image tiles embossed palace's main hall Contrary to earlier traditions, pragmatic approach and the nature of the issue fee and is known as the embossed tiles Background factors and the incidence and prevalence of this phenomenon is also given. Embossed tile painting palace, the techniques used and issues, no restrictions are not accepted And in this parliament to mimic the way illustrators version of lithography, were busy, Sometimes even a piece of royal portraits of the album came out and was emulated by artists tiles. Probably tile contractors tile samples instead of key buildings left in Qajar periods before, during and experiences have influenced NasseriAlso from the production of such tiles have been such a mountain. For this reason, the methods of execution antechamber Hall of tiles designs, lots of tile, round frame work and body shape tiles The greatest diversity of themes and motifs in comparison with other parts of the Golestan Palace tiled, shall have. In general it can be stated that the subjects used in the tiles embossed including themes such as the stories of Shahnameh palace, military Khamse cup, religious motifs, images of historical kings of Persia, hunting scenes, festive celebrations, scenes of daily life, people, pictures of Europe and...Form different shapes with eight rectangular and square tiles are painted. Also according to the survey research and field study sample can be stated that the prominence of the Golestan Palace tiles themes, from the themes of this Ferdowsi's Shahnameh and the story of images literary topics kings lyrical compared to the other topics of most interest was drawing and painting tiles. This historic area is related to the period of Nasseral-Din Shah and Muzaffaral-Din Shah, and total number of tiles embossed palace main hall is 765 pcs tiles. This Article reviews the risk factors and effective of Illustrations on the tiles,Based on what themes they used in their category introduced. Compilation and images, method of field and library And writing descriptive and analytical approach taken.


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