Development of Criteria of Aesthetics in Iran Web Pages

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD. Student in Art Research, Faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Visual Communication, Faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Web development and entry of multi-level living space unilateral Based on information space, attention to aesthetics Respondent-driven is unavoidable. In the space of technological features and interactive environment of Web the creator and recipient status effect changes. Therefore, the focus on audience metrics we call elegance and structure popular in certain categories and updated with lubricating properties achieved. The ultimate goal of this research is to propose a way of getting audience feedback and analysis of the results is Respondent-driven to the achievement of aesthetic criteria. It is hoped that the results of this study may provide a new method for obtaining feedback from the audience with the possibility of extension and change of several variables, help the designers to design the Respondent-friendly and personalized websites. Transcending the graphics printed on a space with varying capabilities, sister technology, interactivity and hypertext, requires a different pattern of behavior based on the audience. Placed on top of the audience, needs to consider differences in behavioral and cultural characteristics of each culture emphasizes. Extending these approaches in the context of interactive and diverse web that has major differences with printed graphics, using audience reception towards research and attention to aesthetics multi-trends consequently led toward globalization. The basic assumption is that the text in the Web context, New meanings are not fixed or innate, but at the moment it is received by the respondent are meaningful. Because of the interactive web environment, the audience as consumers of media content is not influenced by the cultural background to decode deals. What is known today as the culture of "discourse" of a dominant culture affected. By default it is the result of cultural differences get in contact with all cultural groups, common criteria can be achieved. This approach, in the defining of the cultural environment of a country, defined as "Singh" in his book by the dominant culture was performed. Research methods, descriptive-analytical, along with library research, field research was conducted. The three-stage model is designed. For the analysis of raw data obtained from interviews, reviews, convenience inductive content analysis using the proposed technique "Mayring" three general categories; Status Professional, Technical and aesthetic features has been done. As a result, Web pages have been raised as part of a new aesthetic. Thus, visual perception system to organize and measure the levels of cultural adaptation, three theories of semiotics, Gestalt and orthopedists affordance Semiotic analysis of visual elements, outlines the rules governing the internal pages of the site deals with the subjective perception of how audience interaction, was used . Implementation of these three studies showed that the Iranian audience is able to detect a signal patterns are derived from indigenous cultures. But more willing to make a simple site design is based on Gestalt laws and repetitive patterns are identified. In contrast, the lower the ability to reach out and explore the mysteries of behavioral interactions, websites are designed based on affordance interactive features. The result is higher quality and Semiotic in affordance earns low rating.


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