Life and Achievements of Muhammad Baqir

Document Type : Research Paper



Muhammad Baqir is probably the most important of a group of post Safawid painters, who practiced a highly eclectic style. Decorative floral compositions which were widly used for lacquer- work from the later Safawid period onwards, also become a popular genre in 12th century H. Persian painting. Muhammad Baqir also has produced floral design and composition. Owing to the building programs connected with the karim khan zand, the tradition of Persian painting was reinvigorated. By the second half of 12th century H., a distinctively Shirazi Painting style developed. The principal exponanots of this painting style are Court painters as Muhammad Sadiq. Muhammad Baqir, Muahammad Hadi, Muhammad Zaman (III) and Mirza Hasan.These artists were as versatile as their predecessors. Karim khan zand devoted his principal efforts to the beautification of shiraz. Architectural achierements such as the citadel, Divankhanah and Haft Tanan are of karim khan's court production and patronage. One of court painters that participated in this projects was Muhammad Baqir. He was one of ali ashraf studeb in lacquer painting. Ali Ashraf, himself, was student of Muhammad ali naqqas bashi, laurite painter of nadir shah. Muhammad Ali was grandson of aliquli jibadar, distinguished painter of SHah Abbas II.This article has demonstrated that Muhammad Baqir was son of Muhammad Ali naqqashbashi, the master of Ali Ashraf. Muhammad ali adopted his student Ali Ashraf, as the master of his son Muhammad baqir. Muhammad Baqir with a sense of tradition and a desire to use painting to express personal attitudes and beliefs. To that end, he sought painting among his family, notably his sons. This survey, also, demonstrated that Muhammad Hasan, the lacquer painter, and Njaf Ali, the laurite painter of Qajar dynasty, were Muhammad Baqir's sons. Muhammad Baqir production of figural representation, specially birds and flowers, lacquer painting was an extention of the pictorial language of court culture into a more public sphere. In other word, paintings of Muhammad Baqier express the values and traditions which underlay in his period (zand and Qajar). He introduced a realistic style based on European painting (fragisazi) and Persian miniature painting. His style was continued by his sons and soon. Some of Muhammad Baqir painting are in albums of Gulistan palace in Tehran. Muhammad Baqir known for a large number of painted and lacquered bookbindings (for example, book binding of khamsah shahi which worked in Fath Ali shah era), penboxes and mirrorcoses and worked in small style. His dept his master can be seen in his signature: “Baqir az lotfe Ali Ashraf bood” which can be read as either Baqir [imam] is the noblest fter Ali [imam] or Baqir is a followers Ali Ashraf [painter]. Muhammad Baqir according to his signature, was pupil of Ali Ashraf. He said to have continues to work under Qajar ruler Fath Ali shah.Muhammad Baqir,according ti his signature,had a son khnownas Muhammad Hassan was uncle of safiyah sultan,daughter of NajafAli,cour Painter of Qajar dynasty.Thus NajafALI was brother of Muhammad Hassan,or in Ther word, he was son of MuhammadBaqir.


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