Judeo-Persian Books Compare to Safavid Court Book Arts in 17th Century in Isfahan

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Science & culture university, faculty of art studies

2 art university of isfahan, faculty of conservation


Persian civilization coincided with the formation of the heavenly religions depending on the diversification of the social structure of this country is included in each period. The kind of look and attitude of the central government Safavid art and culture, religions, especially Jews, consideration, review and research. The atmosphere of the city in the 17th century AD in a way that might have been Jewish themes borrowed from literary masterpieces of Muslim Persians and inspired by book layout techniques and traditions prevalent in the Safavid court art workshops or private workshops artists of the era, to produce their own illustrated books. The particular type of culture and art among the Jews formed that is known to Judeo-Persian. Judeo-Persian art from the book layout of this religious minority in Iran. At the same time the presence of the Safavid state in the seventeenth century, a certain type of book layout consists of Hebrew and Judeo-Persian miniature paintings of this period are formed that its special time. This study sought to interpretation, explanation and exploration of the dark activities of Jewish art book to comprehensively analyze their illustations. Also looking root of the image, and finally matching them with samples of his counterpart in the Safavid era and the result, the formation of this particular image according to aesthetic principles of doctrine and especially illustrated books, painting seventeenth century in Isfahan. At the same time formed the roots of the culture of Isfahan in Safavid era can be for Jews in this century origins of the book layout also be evaluated. In this period due to the growing demand nongovernmental paintings such as single portrait for artists can be traced to their roots as well as Judeo-Persian painting. special Jews manuscripts consists of lines of Hebrew and figures are taken from the Painting School in the seventeenth century and the origins of this art is in the sixteenth century. This could be why the Iranian Jews as a great and ancient minority is rooted in the country. Armenian Christians cannot see something special paintings. But there are differences in image quality, most images are revealed to aesthetic issues. This may be due to high cost or high cost of gold is the artist of the century. So that we can say that actually the Safavid workshops did them. But according to image matching with samples available from the School of Isfahan can be traced illustrious artists of the era, illustrated by the Reza Abbasi and most of all his disciples followed. Especially Judeo-Persian book illustration art sought to revive two components identified in the works. One that can create a sense of patriotism and strong similarities in their technical to Isfahan school miniature artists and painters such Moein Mosavir. And revived their religious beliefs Judaism to survive the subject of stories and using instead of Hebrew script Persian expression that is. A special kind of book layout to any form of religious minorities in Iran eleventh century formed the heavily indebted Iranian painting is unique, of course.


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