Investigating mental concepts and their impact on the creation of objective objects of art

Document Type : Research Paper


1 alzahrauniversity of art

2 alzahra university


Ambiguous concepts of a text or a piece of pleasant poetry create an atmosphere of a virtual world; we do not understand why we greatly enjoy reading or writing such a piece of art. You may imagine concepts make mental imagination generate objective atmospheres. In case of removing ideas and concepts of a piece of art, no doubt you may feel an entity of vanity and void. Meaning or thinking is the most fundamental part of thought; there is no thinking without concepts. The word concept is the very idea which Descartes regards it as an objective entity. The body of man is not merely a perspective center for the central perspective world. Brain is not assigned to think either because our perceptions and physical body create our being understanding directly. The above understanding is related to deeper meaning and concepts which have waned a little in the present universe. However, you may observe it in literature clearly. It is also of significance that beauty content depends upon meaning; the very meaning that is a product of concept.
As a painter draws his home on a canvas, literature creates magnificent figures of palaces and houses in mind through words. Using figures coming from a literary text and materializing it in a piece of art may lead to become a tool manipulated by plastic arts practitioners. This kind of imagination is of mental figure of a subject materialized to present a better expression of the subject and at last achieving a better understanding by means of tools manipulated by artists; imagination may generate products such as painting, sculpture, cinema, architecture, production, etc. Indeed, pictorial expressions play similar roles in the whole arts. However, they function in a different way in view of tools and executive manners. When artists present visual expressions compared with the manner by which novelists transfer visual matters, you may learn that figures play the same roles of descriptive parts of a novel. Novels function in a way that readers come to know about figures, objects and humans. In other words, reading a novel gives a set of words generated properly. The reading task makes readers involved largely so that they may ignore the matters around. Words and figures reflect different stories in isolation. when they come together, they distinguish each other. Any piece of art, dramatized or fictional, carries an intrinsic special emotional atmosphere created through reading, surviving in mind and then changing to objectives by means of mental figures of artists. In fact, figures created in the artists mind play the role of descriptive parts of a novel, but the difference is that the tongue produces words. However, mind is a visual and pictorial fluid as figures or pictures created by an artist. the mental language changes to a living pictorial three-dimensional fluid through merging mind and material. All arts including painting, cinema and architecture are considered Particular Manners of Thinking; thoughts which are the roots of all concepts as far as Descartes is concerned.


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