Objectification Process of Product Design in Contemporary Society: Culture Industry Theory (A Case Study on Cell Phone)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Arts& Crafts Department/ Faculty of Arts & Architecture/ University of Mazandaran/ Babolsar/ Mazandaran/ IRAN

2 Associate Professor of art and architecture faculty, university of Mazandaran


The present study seeks to design a product with a culture industry theory, due to the shared commonalities with the culture and consumer goods. The overall aim of this study is to examine how the theory of culture industry influences the formation of thinking about community culture without questioning the role of active companies. It also aims to examine the impact of the culture industry on cell phone audiences. The present study aims to design a product from the perspective of the theory of culture industry, due to the shared aspects of culture and consumer goods. The overall objective of this study is to examine the effect of the culture industry on the formation of thoughts about community culture without questioning the role of active companies, and also to examine the effect of the culture industry on mobile audiences. This study attempts to examine the relationship between human and consumer goods in the mobile phone as a sample mass media product by analyzing the objectification process in contemporary society. Therefore, the question posed isto focus on assessing the thought achievements in today's industry, and studying the cultural challenges in identity formation, objectification, and consumption of products such as mobile phones. The purpose of this study is investigate the role of culture industry in designing a product. The research approach is based on the ideas of the Frankfurt School theory and their critique on mass culture and popularity, which is one of the most important cultural theories in sociology. The result of the research suggests that product design in contemporary society is an example of the culture industry theory due to the direct cultural effects and functions of the society. The culture industry, using the principles of integration, indexing and product design, already shapes the lifestyle and viewpoints about culture, politics, etc., for all groups in the society and can export the culture of a country to the world and protect the domestic culture. The culture industry can promote consumerism among its audiences. Undermining the power of decision-making and wisdom in the minds of the consumers using goods, creating a pleasurable imitation and idolatry of the goods result in an unreasonable consumption and search for the lost identity of human beings in the 21st century. Therefore, paying attention to brands in product design and manufacturing products in different areas of individuals’ lives as well as using tricks such as participating them in the process of manufacturing their own products help to manufacture the products in proportion to the consumers’ interests and needs. This product-specification for consumer groups does not really reflection the capital owners’ consideration of the interests in all classes, but it is precisely the culture industry's trick to classify the consumers so that no one would get out of the consumption cycle. Brands try to make consumers think that they have the freedom to act and be the final chooser, while this is a deception showing that the culture industry uses to prevent the mass of people from independent thinking to remain dominated.


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