Stereotype from manuscript to lithography in Qajar period

Document Type : Research Paper



Qajar era coincided with influence of west culture, art and industrial inventions to Iran. Some of these events derived from political exchanges, and inlet of new inventions and industries like printing devices, photography camera etc. and brought a considerable effect on Iranian traditional art. Lithography devices entered Iran after lead printing and was among industries that transferred the book designing practices to new emerging printing industry and changed it. In this paper, we try to compare two documents from Qajar era. One manuscript, and another lithography oeuvre and both are related to first decade of 20th century, layout practices in the transition from manual version to lithographic version are discussed. The author assumes that the artists involved in the printing at Qajar era, in addition to transition from layout traditions of manual versions, they transferred the image interests and Qajar ornaments to lithographic printing. The most important achievement of this era is stereotype of the idea and political goals and interest to symbolic images. Therefore Lithography had effected on the Qajar layout meanwhile by making stereotype from manuscript and traditional bookmaking too. The ornamentations of flower, leaves and arabesque designs, and images of crown, king, angel and geometrical divisions common in manuscripts and some written ornaments such as stamp assumed in the form of image stereotype in lithographic books and emerged in governmental documents by prevalence of lithography. These stereotypes have their origin in ancient era and old convictions and turned into symbol of culture and Iran history in Qajar era. In this paper, layout patterns and its ornaments have been analyzed in the transition from manual version which led to production of Qajar image stereotypes. This research is carried out in comparative and analytical methods, on the remained and available documents from the Qajar Age, with purpose of understanding the changes of Book Layout Principals, the changes which had been made on traditional methods since the Qajar age until contemporary age. For Understanding the method and style of design and Layout in Qajar era, from traditional style in transition to the contemporary time , by  Studying Two Qajar era Documents by Approach of Influence of Printing on Traditional Layout and Establishing Image Stereotype. Given the influences of lithography, it seems that one of the achievements of layout design in this era is creating clichés and symbolic figurative templates that represent people and political and governmental interests and taste and transferred   them to contemporary age. A lots of  ornaments have been taken from  manuscripts such as panels and borders and some of them depended to calligraphy art .Almost clichés was effected from Sasanian period with concepts of  power, for example Crown of kings, another of them pointed to power of God like angels or sun . The most achievement of stereotyping in Qajar makes connection within culture and politics in the other hand within Government and people, with effect from lithography publication. In this way lithograph had great effect to nationality as a intermediary of culture of pass time.      


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