Analysis of Representation of Gendered Spaces in Ilkhanid Illustrations Investigation of gendered Spaces based on Jāmi’ al-tawārīkh and The Great Mongol Shahnameh illustrations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor, Department of Archaeology & History, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University- Central Tehran Branch

2 Islamic archaeologist, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch


Many written documents and illustrations left from Ilkhanid period (medieval era) which called Tabriz school in art history studies. Tabriz school was flourished in the reign of Qazan Khan. Ilkhanid illustration covered various subjects like: historical, religious narrations, scientific and mythical issues. Main reason of historiography in Ilkhanid period could be, their interest in recording the conquests and tribal honors. These material considered as an important tools or medium for cultural and social studies of special period. One of interesting aspect of these studies is gender analysis. Pictures are full of symbols and signs which indicate to gender issue, specially placement or position of men or women in architectural elements. This position can show social level or importance of each gender in the society. This paper attempts to find out new ways of understanding relations among gendered Spaces in Ilkhanid period through analyzing the illustrations regarding to historical manuscripts. To this aim, Henry Lefebvre theories in Production of space considered as a base of study.  Production of space is a concept which introduced by him means that space is a social product that defines all social and political relationships. From his point of view visual products or works can set in the “representation space” class which point to the symbolic aspect of space. Two different class of written documents will consider: The Great Mongol Shahnameh included national epics and mythical history of ancient Iran and Jāmi’ al-tawārīkh is a narration of Mongol history. Methodology is based on two points: chronologically and classification of the objects. After Mongol invasion two ideological conversations happened in Iran between two different nomad and urban societies, Islamic rules alongside of Yasa. Lifestyle of Mongol was based on Yasa rules and nomadic method. Presence of man and woman in this society was equal. Unlike urban lifestyle with Islamic rules and urban spaces of social activities like Bazar or even in private spaces like palaces emphasized on limitations of presence of woman. Through this research, the conflictions and difference of gendered relations in Ilkhans era will come to the light. Illustrations of Mongol history selected from Jāmi’ al-tawārīkh manuscript from The Diez Albums. The Great Mongol Shahnameh miniatures scattered in different museums. Through analyzing the illustrations, two main spaces distinguished: Mongolian yurts and urban space. Moreover, other various public and private spaces depicted in these miniatures. As a result of the survey on representations of space and gender: on the illustrations of history of the Mongols, the role of women in various places is much more notable and bold. It shows women roles as a same level with men in all social activities. Whereas in the illustrations of Iranian history women depicted mostly as an observers of a scene and just looking out from the window frames. Also some other architectural elements like porch (Ivan), curtain and attic windows shows the presence of women. Indeed, the urban spaces and constructions represent gender segregation more than camp spaces or yurts.


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