Symbolism of Footprints in the History of Orient with an Emphasis on the Image of Footprint in Falname Tahmasebi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 aculty of Advanced Studies in Art and Enterprenearship, Isfahan University of Arts

2 isfahan art university


The sanctity of footprints are rooted in history. Humans tried to preserve the memory of his existence in order to overcome the sense of the lack of someone. Objects, personal belongings and even quotes from the departed were considered sacred and were highly revered throughout the history. Moreover, several places are instances of “Holy Land” for at some time in the history an important figure attended there. For the Abrahamic and Semitic religions, Mesopotamia reminds of the Abraham and Imam Hussain, Palestine reminds of Moses and Jesus, Egypt reminds of Joseph, Hejaz reminds of the prophet Muhammad and Khorasan reminds of Imam Reza. Accordingly, sanctity of footprints has roots in the earliest stages of the history of thought and humans have always revered footprints of prominent figures and have looked up on them believing them to be the symbols of possession and power. This was the drive behind people looking for footprints. The world of Islam, Indian peninsula and Iran are abundant with footprints being worshipped. Likewise, footprints have always been highly regarded in the folklore of Iran. There are numerous places in Iran attributed to the footprints of a prophet an Imam or one of their dependents; yet most of them are not historically authentic. It is believed that some of these sites have survived from the pre-Islamic era and after Islam conquered the land, most of them transformed or stayed on in the history. The most famous footprint in Iran, however, is the footprint of Imam Reza and an image of it along with other symbols is found in the Falnameh Tahmasebi. This study aims to investigate the footprints in Buddhism, Islam and tries to use historical and literary evidence to find a decent answer to the questions like to what historical era does the onset of footprints date back? Do they have roots in Islamic culture? From what origin do the symbols in the Falnameh Tahmasebi come from?  The study is a historical, descriptive study the data for which were collected through library research and selecting prominent instances of footprints and their images throughout the world and especially in the world of Islam. In addition to tens of footprints across the world most of which are in the world of Islam. 34 footprints are identified in Iran from which eight footprints are attributed to Imam Ali, one footprint is attributed to Imam Hussain, seven footprints are attributed to Abbas ibn Ali, five footprints are attributed to the Khidr and the remaining ten are attributed to different people. The human need for the mythology and the assignment of special places to outstanding people has created the footprint culture among humanity and its signs are from cave to space. Studies have shown that the existing footprints either date back to the pre-Islamic era or were built after personal revelations. The image in the Falnameh Tahmasebi is drawn based on Buddhist samples yet according to Islamic symbols and has no relationship pf any kind with the Imam Reza Footprint in Nishapur.


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