The comparative analysis of two miniatures from Solomon's court based on the social semiotic model of image

Document Type : Research Paper


1 phd in art, artPhD candidate of art research, art faculty, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran. faculty, al-zahra university

2 Professor of art, art faculty, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran.


The tendency toward religious matters including Qurans verses, narrations, religious teachings and the story lives of prophets has always been impressive in Iranian miniatures. Transcribing these themes in the field of the image, in addition to expanding the foundations and religious thought, also had other goals. Which is compatible with the social structure and environmental conditions of the production of each of these works can be interpreted and identified. The purpose of this study is to read one of these themes - "Solomon's court" -in two different historical periods by discovering the mechanism of producing meaning in two images belonging to the Timurid and Safavid ages, In addition to examining connotation, answers this question: What has been the cultural and social process in creating miniatures structures? The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on the sociological semiotic model of the image and data collection is done through documentary sources and direct observation. Social semiotics is a topic in which two prominent semiotics such as Teo Van Leeuwen and Gunther Kress have drawn semiotic model about the image according to Halliday's linguist ideas and they offer three; ideational, interpersonal and textual Meta function for the image.The results of the adaptation of these images with this model showed: Both of these images are similar to each other in selecting the main characters, because when the theme is common, the same structure dominates the images especially with religious content that generally do not contain the unfeigned of the illustrator and his imagination, even in some cases they are copied from another hyper textuality. Despite the continued presence of common signs in pictures, it is impossible to ignore the differences arising from the cultural and social context of production, which have appearance in details and subtleties. Also temporal affinity of images production, justified their style effects again. Matching Meta function representation of the images with meaning indicates; separating the material and spiritual realms also a contrast between superiority and subtlety and the symbolic use of colors explains the rule of the conceptual model. In the interactive Meta function analysis of miniatures participants represents the special position of the main character. In the miniatures composition (combined Meta function)- According to what is perceived in the narrative- prophet Solmon has the central role due to the allocation of areas of informational value to him and his unique highlighting and framing, which represents the hierarchy of power, his ideal identity and belongs to the incorporeal world. An overall summary demonstrate the dominance of political discourse in the images that based on the historical context of the production of each of them. An invaluable point in discovering the hidden social implications meaning of images is to legitimize the government through illustration of a Qur'anic theme. The elements and components for the propaganda purposes of the power institution have been used to represent the glory of the rule of the Timurid age and instrumental in serving the legitimacy of the ideological and political structure of the Safavid period.


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