Representation of Cultural Simulation Influenced of Media in Contemporary Visual Arts on the Theory of Jean Baudrillard (Study Work's Katharina Fritsch)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 art university of isfahan

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3 Research Excellence in Art Department, Research Excellence in Art and Entrepreneurship Faculty, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Jean Baudrillard believes that culture is developing like a pseudo-event and with the guidance of the media, it is constantly changing. In his opinion, we have entered a similar age. Similarities are signs that act as a transcript or pattern of objects or real events. Since media play a significant role in cultural simulation, the purpose of this article is to study the representation of cultural simulation of the media in contemporary visual arts and considering Baudrillard's theory analyzed the works of Katrina Fritsch and this poses the question that how does cultural simulation be represented in visual art? This article is descriptive-analytical and comparative and studying the works of this contemporary artist, especially the effect of his banquet. The results of the research show that the representation of this cultural simulation is inevitable that both theoreticians and the artist have allegorically expressed their own terms. The contributions of Katrina Fritsch and Jean Baudrillard's votes are shown that representation of cultural simulation in visual arts can have features that there is a theory in society. They will enjoy the residents of a community in a lifestyle, interests and wishes of the same patterns that they provide to the communicative devices. Culture, which has always been one of the most important frontiers of socialism and socialism now, with electronic media, it can't be as frontier as the past. We can see the most intense cultural mode, simulation, in this work. The people present at the banquet have been simulated so much by the technology of media that they are not readily identifiable. However, such a culture would rarely arise with such extreme conditions. In this simulation work, a sign is a transcript or real pattern of a person who, according to Jean Baudrillard, in postmodern times, is no longer a transcript or a copy, and not a replica of it. People have sat down on a desk as consumer media technology and have been so obliterated that they have fallen into a trance. Characteristics of work's Katharina Fritsch, including repetition and reproduction, reproduction, simulation, consumerism, and the production of signs, metaphor and emergence of new identity signs that artist using these features, imparts cultural simulation allegorically. The banquet effect was allegorically shown that similarity and hyper-reality that Baudrillard speaks of how to happen in the next world. Creation of human beings with the same characteristics and simulated super-reality that involves the audience in thinking. The artist, with the use of black color, has expressed this fears about the future. Finally, it must be said, simulation of Baudrillard and work's Katharina Fritsch both are the futures, each of which expresses metaphysics in their own way. The contributions of work's Katrina Fritsch and Baudrillard's votes are showed that representation of cultural simulation in visual arts can have features that there is a theory in society. Given the importance of the subject, it is suggested that researchers investigate cultural simulations from different perspectives, such as the collapse of the social and actuality of reality.


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