Attributed drawing of Shaji-al-Molk’s figure to Kamal-al-molk

Document Type : Research Paper


painting department, art faculty, university of neyshabur


There is a drawing on the personal collection. Identify the designer and creator of the artwork of Shaji-al-Molk, Military commander of eastern Iran during the Qajar period, is the main topic of this research. Existing evidence shows the artist was been most distinguished features, which is in Resemblance with Kamal-al-Molk's style of work.  According to historical evidence, this is probably the creator of this drawing was Kamal-al-Molk. It has no signature but date writed down is correct. According to the Cultural Heritage Organization of Khorasan Province, the date of the work is in line with the history of the work. With a comprehensive view of the works, life and character of Kamal-al-Molk, reached the criteria for a definitive diagnosis of this. By analyzing the life and character of Kamal-al-Molk, identifying the manner in which the painters work at the same time and at the same style, collecting and categorizing all the available works, analyzing the materials of execution and their method of execution, and the readings and signatures of him, is no reason not to be assigned to Kamal-al-Molk, and everything is clear Making that drawing belongs to Kamal-al-Molk. This research intends to introduce. This artwork and its specifications, to identify the artist who could create this work. Inquire into the quality of the works and life of Kamal-al-Molk, providing data. Which will further increase the likelihood of assigning this item to Kamal-al-Molk. Issues such as: Matching the time of Kamal-al-Molk's work with the time of creation, Possibility to accept and execute this order by the master, Matching the script with the signature of Kamal-al-Molk, the metod of drawing, Check out the similarities with other works of Kamal-al-Molk, Among the most important cases in this research It has been studied. The evaluation of the implementation of the effect from various aspects of the commentary, composition, facial expression, texture, shading, depth, and gender matched adaptation. The drawing is of the figur of Shaji-al-Molk, the military commander of great Khorasan, and the time of the creation of this work dates back to the 70's life of Kamal-al-Molk, which is on the verge of immigration to Neyshabur and his seclusion. 1342 Lunar The first Kamal-al-Molk tour has taken place in Neyshabur. This time, Kamal-al-Molk is getting to know to Salar Motamed Ganji, who is his host in Taghi-Abad, Neyshabur, and Amin Khan Shaji (Shaji-al-Molk's grandson) has been Brother-in-law with Salar. Kamal-al-Molk's works throughout life are similar to each other, but they have found different chapters in relation to different living conditions. No other painter was found with the power of Kamal-al-Molk that could have ties with Salar motemed. Overall research results, shows that this art work is related to master Kamal-al-Molk, which remains unknown until now. Kamal al-Malik has a unique style in painting, in addition to  naturalism there is a kind of ambiguity in his work that has transmitted a sense of being alive and inner in  face. An analytical-comparative research method and a method for collecting library and field information


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