A Study of reification Theory in Photorealist Artist Don Eddy's Works

Document Type : Research Paper


In the works of the Photorealist artist Dan Eddie, objects such as shop windows are an attempt to fade and vulgar reality. In these works, the lack of attention to human presence and human concepts was raised more than any other viewpoint. Marx had previously shown that relation between objects obscure relations between humans; commodity economics, social relations, necessarily form objects, and cannot be expressed except through objects. According to the theory of idolatry, the structure of commodity economics makes, objects a very special social role. The theme of the showcases as a fascinating subject was given to the attention of Edwardian photorealist artist. The objects behind the showcases stared at every visitor with the utmost precision, along with detailing with inexhaustible technique and skill. Glamorous objects can represent the presence of consumer-oriented man and machine and industrial life. Donald Eddie's desire or unwillingness to depict the socioeconomic relations of production relations and their produced objects, and only the aspect of their consumption can be seen at first glance, while beyond this value, the hidden aspect of the goods cannot be seen as these people beside And socializing, have ignored their time and time in producing such goods. As we have said before, in the capitalist society, the produced value of human value is destroyed and the process of exchange in the economy of goods also emerge where humans communicate with one another. It is here that trading begins and disintegrates, and all human relationships become object-oriented. The activity and work of human beings are placed against him, and he dominated it that this realm occurs both in the realm of the realm and in the mental arena. Relationships between objects ignore relations between humans and in the commodity economy, social relations are necessarily the form of an object and cannot be expressed except through the object; in the capitalist world, what is called the laws of the market has caused this illusion between The economists belong to the bourgeois class are created when the value of goods inherently belong to the goods themselves, and thus capital goods become spells that, as if they, themselves can have value independent of social and economic relations, and this is capitalism and industry. Every day, it adds up to our object and drowns the development of society, culture and religion, which originates from the capitalist society and the industry, is aimed at investigating the object in the works of the photorealist painter. How has the showcase shown in Dan Eddie's works? What is the relation between urban, industrial and object life in the works of Photorealism with which visual elements? The results show that there is an object in the works of the photorealist painter who is in the hidden layers of capitalism and industry, which shows us as an object. The result of capitalism is based on the intrinsic nature of the worker with industrial equipment and products. The research methodology is descriptive, analytical and data collection as documentary, library and digital.


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