Reading hypertextual Relation of Ilam rug by Gerard Genette's Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of Comparative and Analytical History of Islamic Art, Tehran University of Art

2 Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Shahrekord University


Ilam Carpet is a collection of rural carpets in Iran which has influenced by the different factors in its evolution during the time that causes the integration and development of this carpet. This integration in the design and role of the Ilam carpet is because of a permanent authority that, despite the continuous changes of this carpet during the time, always remained unchanged and there is a possibility which is one of the involved factors in the creation of this carpet. Therefore, this research was going to consider the process of understanding the Ilam carpet through its environment, geography and its culture. The main purpose of this study is to understand the way and the type of relation between the texts which create the meaning of Ilam Carpet. In the encounter with artistic work, if a vast collection of literary and artistic texts is recognizable, it is possible to obtain the hidden meaning of the work through reading and understanding of the very collection and the relationships among its members. The combination of a set of texts and the achievement of an integrated text is a process which is always carried out by the human mind to create new texts. One of the greatest theoreticians who bring up a complete method for analyzing such a thing is Gerard Genette, who offered a new way for understanding the relationship between the text with his Hypertextuality method. The research is descriptive and analytical and provides information in a library-based manner. the Analysis of the Information in This research was done based on the theory of hypertextuality of Gerard Genette, and the procedure was recognizing the component of the artwork and then determining their influences on forming the final text. The result of this study shows that the carpets which have studied in this research are samples of culture and the art of Ilam region which in their process of evolution, a set of text with different ideologic roots were to create a unified system which has a semantic cohesion and esoteric cohesion despite its Formal plurality. Ilam carpets using different texts with pre-Zoroastrian (Mithraic), Zoroastrian and postZoroastrian (Islamic) foundations, and jointing them through the different ways were up to create a text which is meaningful for a Muslim person with Iranian heritage. During this research, it was found that one of the most important properties of this carpet is its Mithraic foundation which has preserved its meaning during the time and in the other ideologic systems. this condition, which gives rise to "textual continuity," is to guarantee the survival of an artist by loading time as well as by modifying proposed systems. Textual consistency is a special situation in which the textual elements are interconnected. Demanding the relevance of the carpet of this rug and the way it is formed in this testimony is based on a robust reforming system that has evolved over different periods through the convergence of Islamic and Iranian textures.


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