Recovery and information forgotten Mehrab of Imam Ali tomb

Document Type : Research Paper


Member of scientific board in institute of Iranian cultural heritage, handicraft and tourism


The geographical limits of Iran’s historical land along with the changes in the past couple of centuries have created a segment of Iranian civilization and works of architecture that is outside of the current political geography in Iran. Iraq is one of these segments of land where Iranian artists have been visiting and creating works of art. Therefore, today a major portion of the Iranian artists’ works of art is located in a number of Iraqi cities, particularly in Atabat Hazrat where religious cities and buildings are located. The artworks found in Iraqi religious cities and shrines of Shiite Imams represent many centuries of Iranian art and decorations. The luster glaze Mehrab is one the most exquisite works of art from the Mongol dynasty and can be found on the western side wall. This amazing piece of art, unfortunately, sustained damage over the past few years where the porch was destroyed. The remaining remnants and pieces of art have been taken out and transported to the Haram store. The remaining tiles from the altar of Najaf are, of course, Central pentagon tiles The rectangular tile of the lower part of the altar with the role of the lamp And the number of broken and tiled tiles related to different parts of the altarThis alter from the luster glaze Mehrab in the Mongol period, has not been well understood and there isn't much evidence of its existence or even any pictures of it. As a result, this research is being done to uncover genuine historical documents that represent the artistic history as well as the artists of the Mehrab. This study compared these Mehrab tiles with those of other Mongolian luster glaze Mehrab. The study also involved reading altar inscriptions texts and ultimately getting the altar's original dimensions and shape. The study discovered that there were many similarities between the Mehrab of Imamzadeh Yahya Varamin and the Mehrab of Najaf. The similarities were seen in how the edge of the tiles was decorated around the altar. The dimensions of both altars were very similar. From these kinds of similar characteristics, along with the adaptation of Abakakhan's developing history in Iraq and Najaf, dating back to around 663 AH, one can conclude that Najaf's alter was also made by Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Tahir around the year 663 A.H. He is a part of the Abay Taher Kashani family. This date is around the same time Ata Malik Jouini rules in Iraq during the time of the kingdom of Abkhaz Khan. The study revealed that the altar was installed in the al-Rasa mosque.In some sources; the name of this mosque is called Ilkhani Mosque.The mosque of Jama'ali al-Rasa close to Imam Ali's shrine was the original installation site of this Mehrab. This mosque has been repaired once upon orders of the Nadir Shah's wife and once during the Safavid kings. In the repairs of the 2005 tomb of Imam Ali, the mosque was destroyed and the remaining some tiles of the Mehrab were transferred to the shrine reservoir.


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