Analysis of the Narrative Structure in the Text and Drawing of Timur's war with Mahmood, the Governor of India Based on Greimas Action Pattern

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Art Research, Department of Art Research, Faculty of Art, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Art Research, Faculty of Art, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.


The narrative structure in texts includs the characters, events and actions of the characters in the story that have been presented from the past to the present. In the field of sign-semantics, and the analysis of narrative systems their function and meaning production and reception are important. In narratology, structuralists seek to investigate the order governing the narrative and discover the internal proportions, relationships and links existing on the constituent elements of the narrative. In this process, Propp and Greimas rely on the method of narratology. Propp creates specific narrative patterns for the analysis of folk tales and addresses the functions involved in the plot and role of the characters and their interrelationships. Greimas was one of the structuralists who based Propp's research on a larger scale. Greimas action pattern is one of the useful tools in identifying the structure of the narrative. According to Greimas theory, each narrative has two main and superficial levels. The main level includes the action pattern and the main basis of narrative structure analysis. The action pattern is realized based on the analysis of dual contrasts and narrative chains. In this model, each narrative system consists of six parts which are the actors and the event and the description of each event. These divided and each has an action axis (demand /power /send). In this research, a picture of Timurid Zafarnameh dated 935 available in Golestan Palace Library, containing 24 illustrations, has been analyzed using Grimas action pattern analysis method. One of the most important books of Timurid period is Zafarnameh of Timurid. Zafarnameh was written by Sharaf al-Din Ali Yazdi on the order of Ibrahim Sultan in Shiraz and finished in 828 AH, as a biography of Timur. Zafarnameh was chosen among the historical manuscripts, Kamaluddin Behzad painted it and Sultan Muhammad wrote it. Considering that so far, no research has been done on this book based on narratology. Its painting is based on a historical text and is far from fantasy. In this research, the main design in the structure of the narrative has been investigated by using double contrasts, narrative chains and Greimas action pattern which structurally belongs to a single text and the image and narration of the text related to the image. Also, the similarities and differences of the action model in comparison with the text have been investigated and finally the relationship between the narrative structure of the text and the image has been evaluated. Accordingly, the picture as an independent text has two levels of infrastructure and superstructure. The research results show that Greimas model is an analytical model compatible with painting.


Main Subjects

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