Analysis of Cultural Adaptability in Iranian Golestan Rugs of the Twelfth Century AH in the Light of Safavid Ghiyath Textiles and Mughal Paisley Floral Textiles

Document Type : Research Paper


Assosiate Professor, Department of Carpet, Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Art, Tehran, Iran


The multivarious cultural contact of the Mughal dynasty and the Iranian coeval dynasties is historically traceable. Although the Indo-Iranian close relations were political on the surface, they were substantially influential in cultural fields. Golestan design combines a reticular layer and a layer of bunched flowers in horizontal rows. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the high frequency of this design in the light of the Indo-Iranian cultural relations. What are the contributing factors to the prevalence of the use of the Golestan design in Iran during the 18th century? The available pictorial evidence throughout the history of Iranian art indicates the acceptance of the patterns belonging to the “other” and their indigenization within the cultural framework of the “self”. Paisley floral design (gol-o-boteh in Persian) is one of the instances where the Iranian and Indian cultures meet. The assumptions are that first, Ghiyath al-Din ʿAli-yi Naqshband’s (Ghiyath) textiles that were offered to Indians transformed the designs of Indian machine-made woven products and then, the paisley floral pattern was popularized when Indian textiles were imported to Iran in the Naderi period. This is a qualitative descriptive-analytical study, adapting a desk-based method in data gathering. Findings suggest that the paisley floral pattern was sent to India during the Safavid period via Ghiyath textiles and then returned to the cultural context of Iran. To put it in the terminology of garden carpets, the bird’s point of view was replaced by the observer’s point of view. It is believed that the first time, the donation and sending of pieces of Ghiyath Naqshband cloths to India changed the design of Indian woven fabrics, and the second time, with the arrival of Indian textiles in the Nadir era, the "flower and bush" pattern gained a significant boost. The findings indicate the return of the "flower and bush" pattern from the Safavid era to India through the "Ghiyath" textiles and then return to the cultural context of Iran in a rare era. From another point of view, the point of view has been transformed from the bird's view in the garden carpet to the observer's view. The fact that after the various patterns of carpets in the Safavid era, the examples and pictures of the 18th century represent the repetition of a frame pattern, it is questionable what factors have made this happen? The author considers the main reason for the entry of the "flower and bush" design into the domain of Iranian textiles in that period after the conquests of Nadir Shah Afshar, the war of Karnal and the spoils of North Indian textiles. But the study of the life and artistic productions of Ghiyath opened a new project and refuted the previous hypothesis. 


Main Subjects

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