apturing the verbal and visual relationships of carpet leyli and Majnoun from interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary texts.

Document Type : Research Paper


carpet of department. faculty of art. arak university


In the creation of literary and artistic works, the texts, while having obvious and hidden relationships, have a process of overlapping and modeling each other, so that from within this connection and modeling, new texts and works are created or expanded and developed. the aim of this research is to investigate and analyze a pictorial rug with the theme of Leyli and Majnoun based on the type of genetic polytextuality with interdisciplinary texts (pre-textual and multitextual rugs) and interdisciplinary texts (three miniatures) in order to discover and explanation of intertextual relationships and hypertextuality is one of the pre-textual signs in the selected text. from Genette's point of view, hyper-textuality is the re-reading of pre-textuality; that is, writing new content and reading pre-text creates a new text. revelation in the relationship between texts, influence and hyper-textuality of each other, has always been one of the topics of interest of researchers in the field of human sciences and literary studies. in the 20th century, this issue was raised by Kristeva and Barthes and systematically developed by Genet in the form of transtextuality theory.

Hypertextuality is a type of transtextuality that deals with the systematic relationship of a text with previous texts as sources of inspiration, based on imitation and change.. for this reason, pictorial rugs with the theme of the story of leyli and majnoun are an expression of texts mixed with verbal and visual systems that were produced by using the artist's creativity and imitating literary and artistic pre-texts during the Qajar period. were offered. in this research, a sample of the mentioned rugs will be studied and analyzed based on the multi-textual approach and focusing on the type of overlap, with the aim of reading, discovering and the degree of intertextual communication and imitation of internal and external pre-texts. therefore, the main question of the research is: to what extent and how can the imitation of interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary texts be explained, and what do the verbal and visual signs in it indicate?

the most important findings of this research are as follows: the designers of Leyli and Majnoun rugs from previous sources such as literary and visual texts in the design of these works based on imitation and change, and more importantly the creation of signs)motifs) and peripheral and marginal narrative scenes based on individual creativity and innovation. in the interdisciplinary pre-texts (paintings) the painter, while being faithful to the previous literary sources, tries to create creativity and create an exemplary and ideal space from the story of leyli and majnoun. this research is of a qualitative and developmental type and its research method is descriptive-analytical and the method of data collection is library and search in reliable sites. in the process of doing the work, while passing on the theoretical and fundamental studies of hypertextuality and the overlap approach, to the study of body of studies, visual and verbal systems, introduction of literary and artistic pre-texts and finally introduction and analysis of hypertexts. Intra-disciplinary and inter-discipline related to the topic of leyli and majnoun will be conducted.


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