Survey on the Role of Product as a Logical Mediator between Designer and user



The objects do not exist alone and are material. They were produced by men, which integrates the social systems. An object can be formed by other objects but also into a broader technical ensemble. Technically, they are in relationship with other data such as materials, sources and forms of energy, other objects surrounding them. Historians of technology believe that making the history of products is to integrate the technical objects in the human and economic dimensions of their time to understand, explain and be able to follow their evolution should be placed at the intersection of three areas: technical, economical and socio-cultural. So, objects faced with several huge changes during human history and eras, from simple hand tools to even socio-economic, cultural and religion roles. It means the role of tool has already gone beyond the simple usage. Furthermore, use of products in some cases has been changing to a symbolic function or an art which does not depend on its real function. Our senses are known as the first contact way to objects for getting related perceptions, and there some factors which affect on our perception from our surroundings such as individual’s experiences, environmental conditions, and so on. Otherwise, objects are the main linkage between user (costumer or consumer) and designer; therefore, the mentioned contact might be as a non-vocal communication. Anything that involves communication, even unintentionally (colors, forms, functions, quality, etc.) is something that can deal with objects. It means that the designed objective create a communication between designer and user through the object’s features or significant performances. In other words, the industrial product can be studied as a communicative tool and expressively rich. Under this condition, user is able to understand the designer by object’s performances (for both of unfair & optimistic characteristics). This article tries to explain the process of product design as a reliable thought and shows that a valid designing involves a logical process, techniques, and measurement. Effort and creativity of the designer (as the sender of the message) must lead the user to understand easily all of product’s information. The message passed, causing the user to reclaim the object. An ignorant and non-experienced designer (in the fields of semiotics and semantics) is not able to create an attractive product. Therefore, the product is deservedly regarded as the mediator of the designer in his absence. If the mediator (the product) has no message to deliver, or if the product has trouble to convey the true words of the designer, it puts in danger the both of need and use of product. The outcome of the mentioned circumstance is ended to a sustainable and dynamic communications between users and designers, as well; therefore, making the mentioned interaction is known as prominent visions in industrial design endeavors. Also, by assessment and exploration of these sorts of communications, making an appropriated linkage between designer, product, and user will be create which help to boosting the interactions factors and related interfaces.
