The Psychological Study of the Visual Literacy of the Logo (sign), Based on the Ancient Psychological Anima And Animus "Psychic" Based on Carl Gustav Yong's Theory of

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Student of Art Research, Faculty of Arts and Architecture / Tarbiat Modarres University / Tehran, Iran.

2 Tarbiat Modares University


In Yung's system, the entire personality or psychology of man consists of several distinct structures, which include self-conscious, unconscious and unconscious. In this system, there are two levels of unconsciousness: a higher surface and a deeper and more strongly penetrating surface. The most insolent and unattainable level of mental, collective consciousness, or subconscious metaphysical is the most unusual and controversial aspect of the Yung system. In a collective consciousness, man as a whole maintains human and pre-human experiences and transmits these congruent experiences to later generations. Therefore, the collective consciousness is the repository of all human-type experiences that have been transmitted to each of us. The collective subconscious has two main aspects: 1. Ancient patterns: these are mental patterns that help one to understand subconscious thoughts. 2-instincts. The old patterns are not real and completely transformed memories, but the old one is a pre-prepared pattern that remains to be seen in the face of a person's life before its contents are revealed. "Their old patterns are a system of images and emotions that give birth to the mind, and indeed the legacy of its psychological aspects. The background of the ancient patterns of dreams, myths, epics, mystical and folk stories, and generally literary works, are artistic, which are somehow associated with the unconscious and unconsciously involved in their creation. Some ancient patterns are more transformative than others are, so they constantly affect our psyche; these ancient patterns include: Anima, Animus. These ancient patterns can be visualized in a form. Symbolist history shows that anything can have a symbolic meaning; such as natural objects (rocks, plants, animals, humans, mountains, valleys, the sun, the moon, wind, water and fire) or what the hand An instrument is a human being (such as a house, a ship and a car) or even abstract forms (such as numbers, triangles, quadrangles, and circles). Symbol design, for example, is one of the most common and unique specialties in graphic design, and the design of the sign is very far away, where early humans for the transfer of concepts related to Hunting at one point recorded signs on the walls of the caves, and wherever it was seen, it transmitted a single concept to the audience and viewer. The preent study was conducted using descriptive-analytical method and data collection method in the form of a library. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the pattern of two logos of sewage and firewall, recognizing the importance of the pattern of ancient patterns. Designing a logo as a visual expression that has an old background is itself a symbolic expression that can bring symbols that are derived from myths, ancient patterns and thoughts of our ancestors. For this, ancient patterns such as Anima and Animus can affect the design of logos. As can be seen in this research, it can be said that in designing the sewage logotype, the ancient effect of anima pattern and firewall logo, the ancient effect of the animus pattern is observed.


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