Turning from Technic to Art; as the Savior of Our Age in Heidegger’s Philosophy*

Document Type : Research Paper


1 1 PhD of Philosophy of Art, Department of Law, Theology and Political Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2  Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 3 Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Human Sciences, Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


 In  The  Question  Concerning  Technology,   Heidegger
considers the Ontical definitions of Technic -  Technic as
instrrument or human activity -  correct. But He believes
such definitions do not reveal the essence of Technic. With
an Ontological attitude, He views the Technic as a kind of
revealing of Being , like the Art. However He believes Unlike
Art -  that is a Poetical revealing-, Technic is a Gestell  - Type
revealing. In this Treatis, Heidegger considers Gestell as
destining of revealing in our age and describes it’s danger
to us. Heidegger considers the most important danger
of Gestell to be The absolutism of revealing of Being by
human as a result of that The original and fundamental way
of revealing, Poiesis, has been forgotten and even revealing
itself has become impossible. In such a situation, man also
understands his essence only as a subject of domination and
he does not remember his true dignity, which is the refuge
of Being in beings Thus Heidegger considers the most
serious danger of Gestell to be the damage to the originality
of Dasein, which is the refuge of Being in beings and he
believes that Poiesis, or in other words, the essence of art
in our time can not be realized . According to Heidegger,
the human race of our time has two ways forward in the
face of such a situation. Or surrender to what is destined
to the status quo; Or, by reflecting on the essence of what
is dangerous to him, finds a way out of this situation.
It can be said that Heidegger make a difference between
fate and destiny. He believes if the man of our age find out
danger of Gestell - which has caused the most damage to
its human essence - he will turn toward Beinh. Reflecting
on the essence of Technic will lead one to go beyond the
Ontical view of Technic, that is, to understand Technic as
an efficient human product and see it as it really is. That
is, to understand Technic as a form of revealing. In this
case, by transcending the beings and being in the openness
of Being, -  which Heidegger refers to as Turning -, Man's
relation to Being will change  - from farness to nearness
and destining of revealing - from Gestell to Poiesis - will
change and consequently way out of Gestell’s danger will
be possible. In the sense that Being will be able to emerge
in a way other than Gestell. In fact, as a person turns around
and settles in Being, his way of being will change - from a
domineering presence to a poetic presence and the original
form of revealing, Poesis, will be possible. In other words, it
can be said that by Turning, a person connects with his true
self and his way of being will change from inauthenticity to
authenticity. In such a case, Gestell will not rule as the only
way to revealing and so -  despite the presence  - will not be
dangerous to humans.


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