A comparative study of the calligraphy of Al-Fatiha Chapter (Surah) by Mir Emad Hassani Qazvini and Mirza Gholamreza Isfahani in terms of aesthetic Components of Good Formation and Good Establishment

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Painting, Faculty of Art, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Master of Art Research, Department of Art Research, Faculty of Art, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.


Nasta'liq script developed and grew with certain characteristics during its six hundred years of history, after its formation and emergence by the efforts of calligraphers of each period. As some of the leading calligraphers, with new initiatives and creativity, promoted the beauty and evolution of Nasta'liq script. Among them, we can mention the works of Mir Emad Hassani Qazvini and Mirza Gholamreza Isfahani. Mir Emad Hassani Qazvini (961 AH) is one of the most famous calligraphers in the history of Iranian art in the Safavid era. He was able to strengthen the foundation of the Nasta'liq script so that all scholars of Islamic calligraphy would call it the bride of calligraphy. Mir Emad had an unattainable position and unparalleled skill in composition, the way the letters and words of calligraphy were placed in the line, the crucifixion and the choice of the correct angle of engraving. Mirza Gholamreza Esfahani (1246 AH) Calligrapher of the Qajar period is also a comprehensive figure with a special style in the history of Iranian calligraphy, which is one of the rare calligraphers of the Qajar period. Mirza Gholamreza has mastered writing in all common forms and forms of calligraphy and has created new methods, especially in the form of black and white. In examining the works of Mir Emad Hassani Qazvini and Mirza Gholamreza Esfahani, we encounter obvious differences in the performance of piece writing; The purpose of this study is to know the calligraphy style of Mir Emad Qazvini and Mirza Gholamreza Isfahani and to study two calligraphic pieces from Surah Al-Fatiha al-Kitab by these two artists in accordance with the aesthetic components of good shape and good position. The research questions are: 1- What are the aesthetic components of Mir Emad Qazvini and Mirza Gholamreza Isfahani calligraphy? 2- What are the commonalities and differences and the advantages of good formation and good condition due to the praise of Mir Emad and Mirza Gholamreza in comparison with the aesthetic components mentioned?To answer the questions, first the contents 1, then the words and finally, the composition and the style of the 2 chairs, the two works have been studied and aesthetically analyzed.Similarly, while presenting a short introduction of the two artists and examining the way they created their works, a comparison has been made between similar calligraphic pieces of the two. In this way, the aesthetic features, individual methods, creation process, aesthetic components of good shape and good position in Mir Emad Hassani Qazvini and Mirza Gholamreza Isfahani's Al-Fatiha  (Surah Hamad) have been studied. In a similar way, differences and commonalities in two works of these artists have been analyzed according  to the aesthetic components of good shape and good position. This research is a basic research with descriptive-analytical method and comparative approach. Data collection is in a library manner and by observing the works and the findings are analyzed qualitatively. The results of the research confirm that the difference in the writing style of the two artists is due to the difference in the angle of writing, composition and arrangement of letters.


Main Subjects

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